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SLS serves residents age 60 and older in Santa Cruz and San Benito counties by offering legal advice, advocacy, and representation in the following areas.

landlord/tenant relations
mobile home park issues
age discrimination
elder abuse
Medicare and Medi-Cal denials
care facilities and nursing home
social security
consumer issues
limited estate planning


Senior Advocacy Groups
Elder Abuse Counseling
Senior Housing Information and Referral
General Legal Aid
Protective/Restraining Orders
Legal Information Services
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting
Elder Law

SLS serves residents age 60 and older in Santa Cruz and San Benito counties by offering legal advice, advocacy, and representation in the following areas.

landlord/tenant relations
mobile home park issues
age discrimination
elder abuse
Medicare and Medi-Cal denials
care facilities and nursing home
social security
consumer issues
limited estate planning


Senior Advocacy Groups
Elder Abuse Counseling
Senior Housing Information and Referral
General Legal Aid
Protective/Restraining Orders
Legal Information Services
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting
Elder Law
We provide resources and services to empower youth ages 15-24 who have or have had experiences with foster care placement, juvenile justice, homelessness/housing instability, or trauma related to being a victim of a crime. TAY also offers counseling, skills building, a drop-in resource center, and subsidized supportive housing.

Behavioral & Mental Health Services.
Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Supportive Relationships


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Employment Preparation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Return to Education Support
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Youth Employment Programs
Life Skills Education
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Vocational/Trade High Schools
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Laundry Facilities
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Housing Advocacy Groups
Youth Centers
Continuing Education
Public Showers/Baths
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Stress Management
Children's Clothing
Education Advocacy Groups
Homeless Employment Programs
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Transitional Housing/Shelter
General Education Advocacy
Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling
Life Care Planning
Housing Counseling
General Counseling Services
Employment Related Advocacy Groups
Links2Health is a comprehensive program designed to provide wraparound care to community members to help them meet essential life needs and improve health outcomes. Connect individuals to Community Supports to meet their social needs, including housing navigation, housing retention and sustaining services. Support connecting to housing, linking up with a primary care home, accessing transportation to appointments or a host of other social services.


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Housing Counseling
Community Mediation program helps people solve interpersonal conflicts such as those between family, neighbors, housemates, homeowner associations, and more.

CRC-neutral mediators guide participants through a mediation process that includes identifying problems, clarifying concerns and perspectives, developing options and reaching mutually beneficial agreements.

Addressing LeaseAgreements:
  • Repeated leaseviolations
  • Rent Increases

Evictions and UnlawfulDetainers
  • Addresing unpaid rent
  • Negotiating transfer ofpessesions
Access to Property
Property Damages or Maintenance


Intensive Family Reunification Services
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Family Resource Centers/Outreach
Senior Advocacy Groups
Geriatric Counseling
Conflict Resolution Training
Family Maintenance/Reunification

The Family & Children's Services Transition Age Youth (TAY) program serves current and former foster youth age 15-24 with a range of services to assist youth in making a healthy transition to adulthood. Programs include counseling, skill-building, a drop-in center and subsidized supportive housing.

TAY programs include:
. The Independent Living Program (ILP) serves current and former foster and probation placement youth age 15-21. It assists youth to develop independent living skills to successfully transition to self-sufficiency and includes services such as one-on-one counseling, assistance in obtaining ID cards, driving permits and licenses and workshops on topics that assist youth in achieving personal, education and vocational goals.
. The Transitional Housing Program is a supportive housing program for former non-minor dependents and foster youth between the ages 18-24. Youth are supported with financial assistance, educational expenses, emotional support, life skills coaching, and referral to community resources to help them achieve the financial stability necessary to succeed in independent living.

Learn more: https://www.santacruzhumanservices.org/FamilyChildren/TransitionalAgeYout


Laundry Facilities
Food Pantries
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Social Clubs/Events
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Food Donation Programs
Life Skills Education
Student Financial Aid
General Clothing Donation Programs
Computer Access Aids
Work Clothing Donation Programs
Youth Employment Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Women's Support Groups
Housing Advocacy Groups
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
Return to Education Support
Employment Related Advocacy Groups
Employment Preparation
Continuing Education

Food Distribution / Despensa de alimentos

Covered CA Enrollment / Inscripcin de Covered CA
Mental Health Counseling Servicios de consejera mental

Information & Referral / Informacin y referencia
Public Benefits Enrollment Inscripcin de beneficios pblicos
Translation / Traduccin

Parenting Education / Clases para padres

Homework Tutoring / Club de tareas

Emergency Preparedness Preparacin para emergencias
Literacy Classes / Clases de alfabetizacin

Assist in your recovery from the winter and spring storms with local fianancial assistance, federal relief navigation, clean-up tools, crisis counseling, and more.

Behavioral Health/ Counseling


Student Counseling Services
Children's State/Local Health Insurance Programs
Child Advocacy Centers
Health Insurance Premium Assistance
Case/Care Management
Family Resource Centers/Outreach
Adult State/Local Health Insurance Programs
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Parenting Materials
Food Stamps/SNAP
Youth Development
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Disaster Relief/Recovery Organizations
General Counseling Services
Job Finding Assistance
Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Ethnic Advocacy Groups
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Housing Advocacy Groups
Identification Application/Replacement Clinics
Food Banks/Food Distribution Warehouses
Food Donation Programs
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Parenting Skills Classes
Co-Parenting Workshops
Food Pantries
Tutoring Services
Housing Counseling

The Family & Children's Services Transition Age Youth (TAY) program serves current and former foster youth age 15-24 with a range of services to assist youth in making a healthy transition to adulthood. Programs include counseling, skill-building, a drop-in center and subsidized supportive housing.

TAY programs include:
. The Independent Living Program (ILP) serves current and former foster and probation placement youth age 15-21. It assists youth to develop independent living skills to successfully transition to self-sufficiency and includes services such as one-on-one counseling, assistance in obtaining ID cards, driving permits and licenses and workshops on topics that assist youth in achieving personal, education and vocational goals.
. The Transitional Housing Program is a supportive housing program for former non-minor dependents and foster youth between the ages 18-24. Youth are supported with financial assistance, educational expenses, emotional support, life skills coaching, and referral to community resources to help them achieve the financial stability necessary to succeed in independent living.

Learn more: https://www.santacruzhumanservices.org/FamilyChildren/TransitionalAgeYout


Laundry Facilities
Food Pantries
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Social Clubs/Events
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Food Donation Programs
Life Skills Education
Student Financial Aid
General Clothing Donation Programs
Computer Access Aids
Work Clothing Donation Programs
Youth Employment Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Women's Support Groups
Housing Advocacy Groups
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
Return to Education Support
Employment Related Advocacy Groups
Employment Preparation
Continuing Education

Identify and connect unaccompanied homeless and at-risk youth and young adults (ages 15-24) to the individualized services they need to thrive, including Coordinated Entry, referrals, and individualized plans and case management to achieve housing, education, and/or employment support network goals.



Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Education Advocacy Groups
Employment Preparation
Youth Development
Homeless Employment Programs
Housing Advocacy Groups
Life Skills Education
Youth Literacy Programs
Continuing Education
Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling
Youth Violence Prevention
Youth Centers
Return to Education Support
Youth/Student Support Groups
Housing Counseling
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Youth Employment Programs
Services Include:
Unemployment Assistance (UI application/access point)
OSHA Training
OJT On-the -job training opportunities
On site Job readiness training/Job placement assistance
Vocational English as a second language (VESL)/GED Preparation

Housing Assistance


Job Finding Assistance
Housing Counseling
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Employment Physical Examinations
Personal Financial Counseling
Financial Literacy Training
Youth Employment Programs
In Home Supportive Services Subsidies
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Employment Preparation
Employment Related Fingerprinting

The Encompass Housing Navigation Team provides support to tenants of Encompass Housing in order to facilitate a stable living environment, help assist tenants in developing a support system, improve skills needed to maintain housing, and to connect with community resources for employment, education, medical needs and community involvement.

Services Offered
- Help finding and retaining permanent housing for individuals or families
- Help with home loans and financing
- Linkage to other community support services (dental, transportation, medical care, etc.) as needed


Case/Care Management
Housing Counseling
General Mental Health Information/Education

CCCIL can assist you by enrolling you into Coordinated Entry. Coordinated entry is a consistent, community-wide process to match people experiencing homelessness to community resources that are the best fit for their situation.


Older Adult/Disability Related Supportive Housing
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Housing Counseling


Provides housing navigation and housing focused case management to young adults ages 18-24 who were formally in the Foster Care System. We provide one on one case management, housing navigation, resource connection, provide life skill training to obtain and maintain housing, along with mentorship and individualized planning.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Life Skills Education
Housing Counseling

211 Santa Cruz County, in partnership with the County's Housing for Health Division, is here to help link people to available supports and help identify potential resources for housing and other needs.

Fill out our form


Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
General Housing Expense Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Housing Counseling
Homeless Diversion Programs
Provides townhouse style apartments to tenants who qualify. Tenants pay rent directly to the Housing Authority. Tenants have a choice of paying either an income based rent, which is equal to approximately 30% of their household income, or a fixed flat rent which is similar to market rent.

USDA: This program is designed to provide affordable housing to households who earn a substantial portion of their income as farm laborers and who either are citizens of the United States or reside in the United States after being legally admitted for permanent residence. The waiting list for this program is closed.

The ADRC assists older adults, individuals living with disabilities, and family caregivers with identifying personal and community resources, navigating complex public benefits systems, and accessing information about dozens of non-profit community-based service partners. We help people get the supports they need to live where and how they want to live; services to meet real needs, and -more importantly!- to make real differences in the lives of those we are privileged to serve and learn from.

San Benito County's new Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) is both a service hub AND a network of committed community organizations acting as a "No Wrong Door" system to enable people of all ages, incomes, and abilities to connect with anyone ADRC partner organization for accessing a wide array of Long-Term Services and Support options in the community.


Senior Housing Information and Referral
Senior Centers
Senior Advocacy Groups

Identify and connect unaccompanied homeless and at-risk youth and young adults (ages 15-24) to the individualized services they need to thrive, including Coordinated Entry, referrals, and individualized plans and case management to achieve housing, education, and/or employment support network goals.



Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Education Advocacy Groups
Employment Preparation
Youth Development
Homeless Employment Programs
Housing Advocacy Groups
Life Skills Education
Youth Literacy Programs
Continuing Education
Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling
Youth Violence Prevention
Youth Centers
Return to Education Support
Youth/Student Support Groups
Housing Counseling
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Youth Employment Programs
Area Agency on Aging serve as the advocate and focal point for older individuals within the community by monitoring, evaluating, and commenting upon all policies, programs, hearings, levies, and community actions which will affect older individuals.


Adult Day Programs
Senior Centers
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Older Adult/Disability Related Supportive Housing
Senior Ride Programs
Aging/Older Adult Support Groups
Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation
Home Delivered Meals
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Senior Corps Volunteer Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Senior Advocacy Groups
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Elder Abuse Counseling

SLS serves residents age 60 and older in Santa Cruz and San Benito counties by offering legal advice, advocacy, and representation in the following areas.

landlord/tenant relations
mobile home park issues
age discrimination
elder abuse
Medicare and Medi-Cal denials
care facilities and nursing home
social security
consumer issues
limited estate planning


Senior Advocacy Groups
Elder Abuse Counseling
Senior Housing Information and Referral
General Legal Aid
Protective/Restraining Orders
Legal Information Services
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting
Elder Law
Provides rental assistance to very low-income residents through the Section 8 program. The Section 8 waitlist is currently closed. Please check the website or call office for status update. Security deposit programs available on website.


Housing Authorities
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Provides information and referral on a wide range of topics related to disabilities.

-Information and Referral
-Housing application assistance
-Personal Assistance Services
-Independent living skills training
-Peer support
-Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors Support Groups
-Outreach & education
-Assistive technology
-Benefits counseling
-Supportive Services for veterans and families
-Supports clients prepare for a disaster event

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Supportive Relationships


General Mental Health Information/Education
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Assistive Technology Information
Housing Counseling
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Specialized Information and Referral
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
General Counseling Services
General Benefits and Services Assistance
Provides information and referral on a wide range of topics related to disabilities.

-Information and Referral
-Housing application assistance
-Personal Assistance Services
-Independent living skills training
-Peer support
-Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors Support Groups
-Outreach & education
-Assistive technology
-Benefits counseling
-Supportive Services for veterans and families
-Supports clients prepare for a disaster event

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Supportive Relationships


General Mental Health Information/Education
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Assistive Technology Information
Housing Counseling
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Specialized Information and Referral
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
General Counseling Services
General Benefits and Services Assistance

Coordinated Entry is a systemic approach to connecting people experiencing homelessness with available assistance in the community. It is an important way to ensure fair and equitable access to limited housing resources and is a Federal and State requirement. The goals of the new Coordinated Entry System are to:

(1) Facilitate connections to mainstream and community services for as many persons experiencing homelessness as local resources allow;

(2) Streamline the process for matching to limited housing resources within the Housing for Health Partnership network (CoC); and

(3) Prioritize resources for households with the most significant barriers to getting and keeping housing and for those with the greatest personal health and safety risks.

H4HP Connectors may work as part of an outreach team, drop-in center, multi-service center, or other program serving people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. They engage with persons experiencing homelessness, build rapport, enroll participants in HMIS programs and collect participant data.

Connectors offer problem solving assistance with all participants and may conduct a Housing Needs Assessment (HNA). The HNA provides Connectors and participants with information needed to create and act together on an individualized Housing Action Plan and provides information to determine which participants are eligible and prioritized for H4H-supported housing and services.

Only the highest priority households are added to the queue for the system's limited housing resources.


Eviction Defense, Landlord/Tenant,
Housing Discrimination, Unsafe Housing

Welfare (CalWORKs), Food Stamps, (Cal
Fresh), General Assistance, MediCal,
Social Security overpayments,
Unemployment Benefits, State Disability

School Discipline, Access and Equality.

Wage & Hour, Discrimination, Dangerous
Working Conditions.

Discrimination, Name and Gender Change

U-Visa, T-Visa and VAWA for low-wage
workers who are victims of workplace
*Call CRLA to determine eligibility

Defensa de Desalojo, Asuntos de
Arrendador/Inquilino, Discriminacin,
Viviendas de renta inhabitables

Welfare (CalWorks), Estampillas de
comida (CalFresh), Asistencia General,
MediCal, Sobrepagos de seguro social,
Beneficios de desempleo, Beneficios de
Incapacidad del estado.

Disciplina escolar, Acceso e igualdad.

Salarios/Sueldos, Discriminacin,
Condiciones peligrosas en el trabajo.

Discriminacin, Cambio de nombre y

Visa-U, Visa-T y VAWA para trabajadores
de bajos salarios que son vctimas de
*Llame a CRLA para determinar elegibilidad


Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Food Stamps/SNAP
Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services
Housing Counseling
State Unemployment Insurance
Adult State/Local Health Insurance Programs
Children's State/Local Health Insurance Programs
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Eviction Prevention Assistance
Education Discrimination Assistance
Sexual Orientation Counseling
Health Care Discrimination Assistance