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Provides a wide range of services to homeless individuals in Santa Cruz County. Services provided include: information & referrals to other vital services such as
  • dental
  • food
  • shelters
  • benefits advocacy
  • Medical and MediCare application assistance
  • alcohol & drug counseling and support
  • health education
  • HIV testing
  • hygiene supplies
  • pet food
  • case management.
All services are free and confidential.

Also offers medical care and treatment at the following clinics. Most of the clinics are by appointment.

Coral Street Clinic
(831) 454-2080
115-A Coral St., Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Emeline Health Center
(831) 454-4100
1080 Emeline Ave., Santa Cruz
Watsonville Crestview Health Center
(831) 763-8400
9 Crestview, Watsonville
Santa Cruz Women's Health Center
(831) 427-3500
250 Locust St., Santa Cruz

Planned Parenthood (Westside Clinic)
(831) 426-5550
1119 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz
Planned Parenthood (Clinical Mariposa)
(831) 724-7525
40 Penny Lane, Watsonville
Oral Health Care
(831) 464-5409
1830 Commercial Way, Santa Cruz


Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Case/Care Management
General Benefits and Services Assistance
Drug Use Disorder Counseling
Personal/Grooming Supplies
General Health Education Programs
Outpatient Health Facilities
Alcohol Use Disorder Counseling
HIV Testing
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
Pet Food
Specialized Information and Referral
Provides information and referral on a wide range of topics related to disabilities.

-Information and Referral
-Housing application assistance
-Personal Assistance Services
-Independent living skills training
-Peer support
-Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors Support Groups
-Outreach & education
-Assistive technology
-Benefits counseling
-Supportive Services for veterans and families
-Supports clients prepare for a disaster event

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Supportive Relationships


General Counseling Services
General Benefits and Services Assistance
General Mental Health Information/Education
Specialized Information and Referral
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Assistive Technology Information
Provides information and referral on a wide range of topics related to disabilities.

-Information and Referral
-Housing application assistance
-Personal Assistance Services
-Independent living skills training
-Peer support
-Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors Support Groups
-Outreach & education
-Assistive technology
-Benefits counseling
-Supportive Services for veterans and families
-Supports clients prepare for a disaster event

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Supportive Relationships


General Counseling Services
General Benefits and Services Assistance
General Mental Health Information/Education
Specialized Information and Referral
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Assistive Technology Information