1-10 of 10
Outpatient Individual and Group therapy, specializing in eating disorder recovery, depression, anxiety and trauma.

Stress Busters: Mental Health


Outpatient Health Facilities
Group Counseling
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment
Clothes / Ropa
Food Distribution / Despensa de alimentos
Homeless Services Servicios para personas sin hogar

Covered CA Enrollment / Inscripcin de Covered CA
Mental Health Counseling Servicios de consejera mental
Natural Health Clinic / Clnica de salud natural

Information & Referral / Informacin y referencia
Public Benefits Enrollment Inscripcin de beneficios pblicos
Translation / Traduccin

Parenting Education / Clases para padres

Emergency Preparedness/ Preparacion para emergencias

Computer Lab / Uso de computadora

Assist in your recovery from the winter and spring storms with local fianancial assistance, federal relief navigation, clean-up tools, crisis counseling, and more.


Certificates/Forms Assistance
Family Resource Centers/Outreach
Parenting Skills Classes
Children's State/Local Health Insurance Programs
Co-Parenting Workshops
Employment Related Advocacy Groups
Food Pantries
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Arts and Crafts Instruction
Parenting Materials
Outpatient Health Facilities
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment
Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Divorce Counseling
Case/Care Management
Health/Disability Related Counseling
Housing Advocacy Groups
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Health Related Advocacy Groups
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Anger Management
Education Advocacy Groups
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Adult State/Local Health Insurance Programs
Arts and Crafts Clubs
Child Abuse Prevention
Herbal Medicine
Disaster Relief/Recovery Organizations
Child Advocacy Centers

Our Dientes Cares Program focuses on making oral health care available to all, especially for low-income, uninsured patients. For those patients who do not have dental insurance, Dientes offers a sliding scale fee (based on proof of income).

Services include:
  • Primary Care
  • Prenatal care and education
  • Birth control dispensary
  • Behavioral Health Services
  • Health education
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic Services
  • Covered CA, Medi-Cal, and CalFresh enrollment and renewal
  • Group Medical Appointments
Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare


Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Birth Control
Massage Therapy
Pregnancy Testing
Adult State/Local Health Insurance Programs
Tuberculosis Screening
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Outpatient Health Facilities
General Mental Health Information/Education
Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Children's State/Local Health Insurance Programs

Specializing in the treatment of trauma and mood disorders including PTSD, depression and anxiety, We offer an innovative suite of therapeutic support services designed to promote rapid, lasting recovery. Our services include individual psychotherapy, intensive outpatient programming, as well as workshops in specific aspects of trauma healing, and our programs are designed specifically to integrate healing into daily life with minimal disruptions to living. Available virtual or hybrid in-person/virtual.


Outpatient Health Facilities
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment

Dientes offers comprehensive specialty care for patients who previously had to leave the county and wait several months to access services, because there was no endodontist or oral surgeon in Santa Cruz County that accepted Medi-Cal. Through our Specialty Care Program, adults and children can receive root canals, extractions, and other surgical procedures from an oral surgeon and endodontist.


Dental Care Expense Assistance
Outpatient Health Facilities
Dental Care
A community clinic provides medical family practice, preventative medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics & gynecology, family planning, pediatrics, immunizations and health screening services, nutrition counseling.


School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment
Hospice Care
Nutrition Assessment Services
Safe Sex Supplies
Pediatric Feeding Disorders Programs
Bereaved Child Support Groups
Outpatient Health Facilities
Dental Care
Personal Care
Dental Care Expense Assistance
Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Nutrition Education
AIDS/HIV Clinics
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
AMR Santa Cruz (the EMS 911 providers for Santa Cruz County) has launched a new service for patients that call 911 with low acuity complaints where our EMTs and Paramedics are able to reach an ER physician via a tablet or a phone to get patients' concerns resolved without having to go to an ED, saving a costly medical bill from the hospital, reducing ED visits, and allowing for more units to be available for life-threatening emergencies. These physicians are able to prescribe medications as well.


Outpatient Health Facilities
911 Services
Emergency Room Care

Our Outreach Program eliminates transportation as a barrier to care for underserved Santa Cruz County residents at many venues, including schools, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), and our one-chair Outreach Clinic at Housing Matters in Santa Cruz.

Our partnerships provide patients who might not otherwise get access to dental services to the treatment they need.

At our outreach sites, our staff delivers oral health evaluations including x-rays, and procedures such as cleanings and fluoride varnish. Those patients who require more complex care are referred back to our clinic.

Dientes provides oral health education and preventive services in six school districts (Pajaro Valley Unified, Live Oak, San Lorenzo Valley, Soquel Unified, Santa Cruz City & Santa Cruz County Office of Education) at 30+ schools. The program has been a huge success since its inception in 2009.


Outpatient Health Facilities
Dental Care
Dental Care Expense Assistance
Provides a wide range of services to homeless individuals in Santa Cruz County. Services provided include: information & referrals to other vital services such as
  • dental
  • food
  • shelters
  • benefits advocacy
  • Medical and MediCare application assistance
  • alcohol & drug counseling and support
  • health education
  • HIV testing
  • hygiene supplies
  • pet food
  • case management.
All services are free and confidential.

Also offers medical care and treatment at the following clinics. Most of the clinics are by appointment.

Coral Street Clinic
(831) 454-2080
115-A Coral St., Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Emeline Health Center
(831) 454-4100
1080 Emeline Ave., Santa Cruz
Watsonville Crestview Health Center
(831) 763-8400
9 Crestview, Watsonville
Santa Cruz Women's Health Center
(831) 427-3500
250 Locust St., Santa Cruz

Planned Parenthood (Westside Clinic)
(831) 426-5550
1119 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz
Planned Parenthood (Clinical Mariposa)
(831) 724-7525
40 Penny Lane, Watsonville
Oral Health Care
(831) 464-5409
1830 Commercial Way, Santa Cruz


Pet Food
Drug Use Disorder Counseling
Outpatient Health Facilities
Specialized Information and Referral
Alcohol Use Disorder Counseling
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Case/Care Management
HIV Testing
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
General Benefits and Services Assistance
General Health Education Programs