1-19 of 19
Designed to increase positive communication between mothers (or another significant female adult) and their daughters. It helps them discuss questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.

Growing Together:
-Allows time for mothers and daughters to explore their feelings, values and expectations.
-Provides participants the opportunity to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills.
-Provides participants the opportunity to learn about open communication, which is an important part of a healthy relationship.
-Provides factual information about the changes girls may experience during puberty.
-Helps parents to answer questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.


Youth Development
Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Parent Support Groups
Parent/Child Activity Groups
The Early Education Division knows how critical the first five years of a child's life are to their health and success. Our six centers provide nurturing and affordable early education.

La Divisin de Educacin Temprana sabe cun crticos son los primeros cinco aos de la vida de un nio para su salud y xito. Nuestros seis centros ofrecen educacin asequible.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Quality Sleep, Supportive Relationships.


Outdoor Environmental Education
Child Guidance
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Child Care Expense Assistance
General Counseling Services
Infant and Child Safety Education
Parent Support Groups
Nutrition Education
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion



After school dance classes for different levels learning traditional Mexican dances. Performances in a number of community events throughout the year.

Stress Busters: Physical Activity, Supportive Relationships


Cultural Heritage Groups
Debt/Overspending Support Groups
Parent Support Groups
Dance Instruction
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Dance Performances
Parent/Child Activity Groups



After school dance classes for different levels learning traditional Mexican dances. Performances in a number of community events throughout the year.

Stress Busters: Physical Activity, Supportive Relationships


Cultural Heritage Groups
Debt/Overspending Support Groups
Parent Support Groups
Dance Instruction
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Dance Performances
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Designed to increase positive communication between mothers (or another significant female adult) and their daughters. It helps them discuss questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.

Growing Together:
-Allows time for mothers and daughters to explore their feelings, values and expectations.
-Provides participants the opportunity to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills.
-Provides participants the opportunity to learn about open communication, which is an important part of a healthy relationship.
-Provides factual information about the changes girls may experience during puberty.
-Helps parents to answer questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.


Youth Development
Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Parent Support Groups
Parent/Child Activity Groups
The Early Education Division knows how critical the first five years of a child's life are to their health and success. Our six centers provide nurturing and affordable early education.

La Divisin de Educacin Temprana sabe cun crticos son los primeros cinco aos de la vida de un nio para su salud y xito. Nuestros seis centros ofrecen educacin asequible.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Quality Sleep, Supportive Relationships.


Outdoor Environmental Education
Child Guidance
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Child Care Expense Assistance
General Counseling Services
Infant and Child Safety Education
Parent Support Groups
Nutrition Education
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Offers ongoing class series (attend one or all sessions), workshops, trainings, support groups


Youth Development
Parenting Materials
Parent Rights Classes
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Child Custody/Support Related Support Groups
Child Abuse Support Groups
Parent Support Groups
Parenting Skills Classes
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Co-Parenting Workshops
Family Resource Centers/Outreach
Stepfamily/Blended Family Support Groups
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Parent/Family Involvement in Education

Pacific Elementary School serves approximately 175 preschool through sixth-grade children. It also includes free morning preschool for income-qualified families.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Physical Activity, Supportive Relationships


Parent/Child Activity Groups
Child Guidance
Elementary Schools
School Districts
Nutrition Education
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Designed to increase positive communication between mothers (or another significant female adult) and their daughters. It helps them discuss questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.

Growing Together:
-Allows time for mothers and daughters to explore their feelings, values and expectations.
-Provides participants the opportunity to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills.
-Provides participants the opportunity to learn about open communication, which is an important part of a healthy relationship.
-Provides factual information about the changes girls may experience during puberty.
-Helps parents to answer questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.


Youth Development
Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Parent Support Groups
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Designed to increase positive communication between mothers (or another significant female adult) and their daughters. It helps them discuss questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.

Growing Together:
-Allows time for mothers and daughters to explore their feelings, values and expectations.
-Provides participants the opportunity to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills.
-Provides participants the opportunity to learn about open communication, which is an important part of a healthy relationship.
-Provides factual information about the changes girls may experience during puberty.
-Helps parents to answer questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.


Youth Development
Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Parent Support Groups
Parent/Child Activity Groups

For Boys and Young men
Teaching and supporting boys in discovery and journey from boyhood to manhood with guidance, coaching, and mentorship grounded in 41 developmental assets, youth leadership development, social-emotional and healthy masculinity

For men
Support men in their journey through manhood and couple relationships by developing a healthy masculinity and relationship

For dads
Supporting father involvement, fatherhood and co-parenting for the well-being of children

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Supportive Relationships



Youth/Student Support Groups
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Youth Violence Prevention
Parent Support Groups
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Youth Employment Programs
Youth Development
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Youth Centers
Youth Literacy Programs
Recreation Centers
General Counseling Services
Pregnancy/Childbirth Support Groups
The Early Education Division knows how critical the first five years of a child's life are to their health and success. Our six centers provide nurturing and affordable early education.

La Divisin de Educacin Temprana sabe cun crticos son los primeros cinco aos de la vida de un nio para su salud y xito. Nuestros seis centros ofrecen educacin asequible.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Quality Sleep, Supportive Relationships.


Outdoor Environmental Education
Child Guidance
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Child Care Expense Assistance
General Counseling Services
Infant and Child Safety Education
Parent Support Groups
Nutrition Education
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Designed to increase positive communication between mothers (or another significant female adult) and their daughters. It helps them discuss questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.

Growing Together:
-Allows time for mothers and daughters to explore their feelings, values and expectations.
-Provides participants the opportunity to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills.
-Provides participants the opportunity to learn about open communication, which is an important part of a healthy relationship.
-Provides factual information about the changes girls may experience during puberty.
-Helps parents to answer questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.


Youth Development
Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Parent Support Groups
Parent/Child Activity Groups
The Early Education Division knows how critical the first five years of a child's life are to their health and success. Our six centers provide nurturing and affordable early education.

La Divisin de Educacin Temprana sabe cun crticos son los primeros cinco aos de la vida de un nio para su salud y xito. Nuestros seis centros ofrecen educacin asequible.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Quality Sleep, Supportive Relationships.


Outdoor Environmental Education
Child Guidance
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Child Care Expense Assistance
General Counseling Services
Infant and Child Safety Education
Parent Support Groups
Nutrition Education
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
The Early Education Division knows how critical the first five years of a child's life are to their health and success. Our six centers provide nurturing and affordable early education.

La Divisin de Educacin Temprana sabe cun crticos son los primeros cinco aos de la vida de un nio para su salud y xito. Nuestros seis centros ofrecen educacin asequible.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Quality Sleep, Supportive Relationships.


Outdoor Environmental Education
Child Guidance
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Child Care Expense Assistance
General Counseling Services
Infant and Child Safety Education
Parent Support Groups
Nutrition Education
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Early Head Start offers a home visiting program for pregnant women and children 0-3, and a center-base option for children 0-3 years. Both programs support children and families during the very first stages of life to build a strong foundation for growth and learning. Services are offered throughout Santa Cruz County, including Watsonville, Freedom, and the San Lorenzo Valley.

Head Start offers a part-day (3 1/2 hours) and extended day (6 hours) preschool programs for children ages 3 to 5. We focus on supporting children and families to be ready for school by providing opportunities for social and emotional growth; focusing on physical, mental, and dental health; and partnering closely with parents and families. Classes are offered at 16 centers located throughout Santa Cruz and Watsonville.

State Pre-K (CSPP) offers high quality early education and support services for eligible children 3-5 and their families.


Parent/Child Activity Groups
Head Start
Early Head Start
Parent Support Groups
The Early Education Division knows how critical the first five years of a child's life are to their health and success. Our six centers provide nurturing and affordable early education.

La Divisin de Educacin Temprana sabe cun crticos son los primeros cinco aos de la vida de un nio para su salud y xito. Nuestros seis centros ofrecen educacin asequible.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Quality Sleep, Supportive Relationships.


Outdoor Environmental Education
Child Guidance
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Child Care Expense Assistance
General Counseling Services
Infant and Child Safety Education
Parent Support Groups
Nutrition Education
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Education and promotion of balanced nutrition, Provision of food and nutrition education, Education on balanced nutrition, Provision of food to support balanced nutrition, donation and delivery of fresh, organic produce to meal & pantry programs throughout the county. Farm Camps.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Physical Activity, Supportive Relationships


Youth Development
Camp Referrals
Guided Imagery
Brown Bag Food Programs
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Leadership Development
Hiking/Camping Safety Education
Nutrition Education

Food Distribution / Despensa de alimentos

Covered CA Enrollment / Inscripcin de Covered CA
Mental Health Counseling Servicios de consejera mental

Information & Referral / Informacin y referencia
Legal Services / Servicios Jurdicos
Public Benefits Enrollment Inscripcin de beneficios pblicos
Translation / Traduccin

Onsite WIC access / Acceso in situ a WIC
Parenting Education / Clases para padres

Summer Lunch / Almuerzo de verano

Assist in your recovery from the winter and spring storms with local fianancial assistance, federal relief navigation, clean-up tools, crisis counseling, and more.

Behavioral Health/ Counseling


Name/Personal Information Modification Assistance
Summer Food Service Programs
Job Finding Assistance
Nutrition Education
Food Pantries
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Parenting Skills Classes
General Health Education Programs
Food Banks/Food Distribution Warehouses
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Food Safety Education
Co-Parenting Workshops
Health Related Advocacy Groups
Children's State/Local Health Insurance Programs
Family Resource Centers/Outreach
Disaster Relief/Recovery Organizations
Brown Bag Food Programs
Identification Application/Replacement Clinics
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Parent Support Groups
Disaster Unemployment Assistance
Directory Assistance
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Food Stamps/SNAP
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Food Donation Programs
Health Care Discount Enrollment Programs
Workers Compensation Benefits Assistance
Health Insurance Premium Assistance
Parenting Materials