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Survivors/victims services: Advocate, Case Manager, System Navigator, Financial, Education Services (On-Campus Supports - Adult School), Substance Use Resources, Shelter/Protective Care, Mental Health Services, Medical Services.

Legal services: Court accompaniment services, Record clearance to support obtaining victims services

Financial services: Victim Compensation (VOCA)

Education services: Support with GED/High School Equivalency

Serve victims/survivors who are impacted by the following crimes: Human trafficking: sex
Serve victims/survivors who are: Currently under supervision (probation/parole);Experiencing Homelessness;Immigrant/refugees/asylum seekers;Undocumented;Veteran;Victim with disabilities: Cognitive/physical/mental;Victim with limited English proficiency


Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Crime Victim Compensation
General Crime Victim Assistance
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
General Mental Health Information/Education
Crime Witness Support
Domestic Violence Shelters
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling

Provides comprehensive, strengths-based, culturally and linguistically appropriate behavioral health services for Medi-Cal eligible children and youth who have moderate to severe behavioral health needs (Specialty Mental Health Services).

Services include assessment, treatment planning, psychotherapy (individual, family), case management, and psychiatric care (evaluation and medication management). Services delivered at County behavioral health clinic locations (1400 Emeline Ave Santa Cruz and 1430 Freedom Blvd. Watsonville), community, or home-based settings, as clinically appropriate.

The Access Team provides 24-hour confidential crisis intervention and referral services (800-952-2335).

Stress Busters: Behavioral & Mental Health, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Supportive Relationships

Youth Services: Health & Wellness and Socio-Emotional Support


Adult Psychiatric Hospitals
Parent Support Groups
Psychiatric Day Treatment
General Counseling Services
General Crime Victim Assistance
Child Guidance
Mental Health Evaluation
Youth/Student Support Groups
Mental Health Associations
General Mental Health Information/Education
Children's/Adolescent Psychiatric Hospitals
Mental Health Crisis Lines
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Provides affordable psychotherapy and counseling services to individuals, couples, families, and groups. Services are provided by Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists and Master's level Interns and Trainees who are under the supervision of a licensed therapist.

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices


Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Condition Specific Mental Health Information/Education
General Counseling Services
General Mental Health Information/Education



Survivors/victim services: Advocate, Case Manager, System Navigator, Basic needs, Immigration services, Legal services, Mental Health Services.

Legal Services: information about the mechanics of court proceedings, Support with gathering & providing relevant documentation.

Education Services: Tutoring & homework support

Serve victims/survivors who are: Currently under supervision (probation/parole);Experiencing Homelessness; Immigrant/refugees/asylum seekers; LGBTQ+; Undocumented; Veteran; Victim with disabilities: Cognitive/physical/mental; Victim with limited English proficiency.


Legal Information Services
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Tutoring Services
General Mental Health Information/Education
General Crime Victim Assistance
Crime Witness Support


Outpatient Health Facilities
Wellness Programs
Comprehensive Physical Examinations
Employment Physical Examinations
General Physical Examinations
General Mental Health Information/Education
Health Insurance Information/Counseling
General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education

A series of workshops for girls ages 12-14 about assertive communication, healthy relationships, avoiding risky situations, developing sisterhood, and understanding female health and the reproductive system.


Youth Development
General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Oral Health Education/Information
Nutrition Education
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Body Image Education
General Health Education Programs
General Mental Health Information/Education
Youth/Student Support Groups
Higher Education Bridge Programs
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Internet Safety Education
Life Skills Education
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention



Survivors/victim services: Advocate, Case Manager, System Navigator, Basic needs, Immigration services, Legal services, Mental Health Services.

Legal Services: information about the mechanics of court proceedings, Support with gathering & providing relevant documentation.

Education Services: Tutoring & homework support

Serve victims/survivors who are: Currently under supervision (probation/parole);Experiencing Homelessness; Immigrant/refugees/asylum seekers; LGBTQ+; Undocumented; Veteran; Victim with disabilities: Cognitive/physical/mental; Victim with limited English proficiency.


Legal Information Services
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Tutoring Services
General Mental Health Information/Education
General Crime Victim Assistance
Crime Witness Support

Provides Therapy and intensive MH Case Management for AB109 eligible probation clients, who are adjusting to life after serving a jail or prison term, and seeking to gain prosocial skills, repair relationships and attain and maintain sobriety.


Case/Care Management
Mental Health Evaluation
General Mental Health Information/Education
General Counseling Services
We believe that each person that walks through our doors has a gift. Our job is to help individuals discover those gifts and reach their full potential. Community Connection empowers adults with psychiatric disabilities and their families with the tools and resources they desire to build stronger community bonds and improve their lives.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Quality Sleep, Supportive Relationships


Vocational Rehabilitation
Nutrition Education
Outdoor Environmental Education
Vocational/Trade High Schools
General Counseling Services
Brown Bag Food Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
General Mental Health Information/Education
Tutoring Services
Condition Specific Mental Health Information/Education
FUERTE Wraparound is a four to twelve month intensive program that aims to address the mental health needs of youth on probation (ages 12-20) and increase parental capacity and skills to care for and address the mental health needs of their children involved in the justice system. Additionally, FUERTE Wraparound addresses the unmet needs of family members through linkages to community resources.

Services include individual and family counseling in the home, and intensive case management in the home and community settings, and 24-hour crisis response. Also included are linkages/referrals to mental health advocacy groups (NAMI-National Alliance on Mental Illness, MHCAN), medication management, therapeutic groups, parent education and support, peer support, pro-social connections and outpatient substance use treatment.


Mental Health Evaluation
General Mental Health Information/Education
Youth/Student Support Groups
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Survivors/victims services: Case Manager, Mental Health Services; Substance Use Services.

Legal services: Information about Police and Investigation services, Help preparing Victim impact statements, information about the mechanics of court proceedings, Court accompaniment services, Support understanding in criminal justice processes, Filing police reports, Support with gathering & providing relevant documentation.

Financial services: Victim Compensation (VOCA)

Serve victims/survivors who are impacted by the following crimes: Adult Physical Assault (includes aggravated and simple assault);Adult sexual assault;Adults sexually abused/assaulted as children;Arson;Bullying (Verbal, Cyber, or Physical);Burglary;Child Physical Abuse or Neglect;Child Pornography;Child sexual abuse/assault;Domestic and/or Family Violence;DUI/DWI Incidents;Hate Crime: Racial/religious/gender/sexual orientation/other;Human trafficking: labor;Human trafficking: sex;Identity theft/fraud/financial crime;Kidnapping (non-custodial);Kidnapping (custodial);Mass violence (domestic/international);Other: vehicular victimization (e. g. hit and run);Robbery;Stalking/harassment;Survivors of homicide victims;Teen dating victimization;Terrorism (domestic/international)

Serve victims/survivors who are: Currently under supervision (probation/parole);Experiencing Homelessness;Immigrant/refugees/asylum seekers;LGBTQ+;Undocumented;Veteran;Victim with disabilities: Cognitive/physical/mental.


General Crime Victim Assistance
Crime Witness Support
Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation
Crime Victim Compensation
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Legal Information Services
General Mental Health Information/Education
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Families Together provides counseling, parenting support, and case management to families using a home visiting model and a client-centered approach to services. Caregivers participate in the development of an individualized service plan based on their unique strengths and needs.

Families referred by Santa Cruz County Family & Children's Services or CalWORKs are assigned a therapist who helps design customized services, including sessions in English or Spanish, and in the home or other preferred location. Families learn about parenting, child development, parent-child attachment, and general wellness. In addition to counseling, home visitors connect families with other community resources such as substance use counseling, interpersonal violence services, and early education support.

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Supportive Relationships


Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Case/Care Management
Family Maintenance/Reunification
Family Support Centers/Outreach
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Domestic Violence Support Groups
General Mental Health Information/Education
Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence
Extended learning runs after school, summer school and credit recovery programs for PVUSD. Academic Advising, Behaviorial & Mental Health Services, Career Counseling, Career Exploration, Community Advocacy, Cultural and Recreational Activities, Educator Professional Development, Family Workshops, Job/Internship Placement, Physical Health/Nutrition Education, Science & Math Subject Matters, Socio Emotional Learning, Technology Support Services, Tutoring Services, Technical Skills Training, Youth Advocacy/Civic Engagement.


General Mental Health Information/Education
Parenting Skills Classes
Youth Employment Programs
Social Skills Training
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Family Literacy Programs
Youth/Student Support Groups
Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling
Youth Violence Prevention
Study Skills Assistance
Career Entrance Examinations
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Youth Centers
Youth Development
Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Youth Work Permits
Mental Health Drop In Centers
General Recreational Activities/Sports
Life Skills Education
Academic Counseling
Tutoring Services
Youth Literacy Programs
Cultural Heritage Groups
Provides mental health services to eligible adults including case management and medication services, rehabilitation, counseling and therapy. Also operates two specialized programs for youth and seniors.

The Access Team provides 24-hour confidential crisis intervention and referral services for mental health clients. Offers crisis intervention, and appropriate referrals.

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices


Therapy Referrals
Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
General Crime Victim Assistance
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Case/Care Management
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Crime Witness Support
Mental Health Crisis Lines
Psychiatric Medication Services
Group Counseling
Mental Health Evaluation
General Mental Health Information/Education
Psychiatric Case Management
General Counseling Services
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Psychiatric Disorder Counseling
Survivors/Victims Services: Case Manager, System Navigator, Substance Use Resources, Mental Health Services, Support Groups
Basic Needs, gift cards, Family services
. Financial assistance (as funds are available)
. Food Pantry/Food Distribution
. Diaper/Formula Distribution

Education Services: implementation of attendance plans, educational interventions and supporting families with requesting services in through SELPA is there is suspicion of a learning disability.


Domestic Violence Support Groups
Brown Bag Food Programs
Food Pantries
Child Abuse Support Groups
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Crime Witness Support
English as a Second Language
General Mental Health Information/Education
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
General Crime Victim Assistance
Food Banks/Food Distribution Warehouses
Formula/Baby Food
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Crime Victim Support Groups
Survivors/victims services: Education Services (On-Campus Supports - Adult School), Elder Resources, Mental Health Services, Restorative Justice Services.

Education services: Tutoring & homework support, Support with GED/High School Equivalency

Serve victims/survivors who are: Currently under supervision (probation/parole);Experiencing Homelessness;Immigrant/refugees/asylum seekers;LGBTQ+;Undocumented;Veteran;Victim with disabilities: Cognitive/physical/mental;Victim with limited English proficiency.

Serve victims who are impacted by the following crimes:
  • Elder Abuse or Neglect
  • Racism
  • Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination
  • Childhood Trauma/Abuse
  • Immigratn/Refugee/Asylum Seekers
  • Following up on Court Ordered Community Service/Restorative Justice Orders
  • Vandalism & Property Crimes


Tutoring Services
Crime Victim Support Groups
Elder Abuse Hotlines
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
General Mental Health Information/Education
We provide career/educational services as well as emergency, mental health, and supportive assistance for families and individuals ages 14 years and older. We support Native American, Alaskan native, and Native Hawaiian low-income individuals and families.


Special Education Advocacy
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Native American Traditional Healing
General Mental Health Information/Education
Career Entrance Examinations
General Education Advocacy
General Counseling Services
Return to Education Support
Native American General Assistance
Adult Basic Education

A series of workshops for girls ages 12-14 about assertive communication, healthy relationships, avoiding risky situations, developing sisterhood, and understanding female health and the reproductive system.


Youth Development
General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Oral Health Education/Information
Nutrition Education
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Body Image Education
General Health Education Programs
General Mental Health Information/Education
Youth/Student Support Groups
Higher Education Bridge Programs
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Internet Safety Education
Life Skills Education
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Housing for Health is a program that aims to support and house chronically homeless individuals in Santa Cruz County through therapeutic case management and access to the Disabled and Medically Vulnerable (DMV) Housing Choice Voucher administered by the Housing Authority. Participants receive assistance applying for the DMV voucher, coaching and navigation expertise on effective housing search methods, advocacy and referrals to additional resources, and retention support once housing is secured to ensure long-term stability. Housing for Health is a participant in Santa Cruz County's Smart Path Coordinated Entry System, which is a prioritization database that links those experiencing homelessness with services that they qualify for based on their unique vulnerability score. If you, or those you know, are experiencing homelessness and looking to secure a pathway to housing, please go to one of the Public Access Points to complete an assessment in order to be entered into the database and linked to appropriate services. The Housing for Health program is solely taking referrals from the Smart Path Coordinated Entry System and cannot guarantee that an assessment into the System will result in a referral to the Housing for Health program.

Learn more: https://smartpathscc.org


Case/Care Management
General Mental Health Information/Education
Housing Counseling


Outpatient Health Facilities
Wellness Programs
Comprehensive Physical Examinations
Employment Physical Examinations
General Physical Examinations
General Mental Health Information/Education
Health Insurance Information/Counseling
General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Provides virtual behavioral support navigating kids' milestones, phases, and behaviors for California families with children aged 0-12 years.


Child Guidance
General Mental Health Support Groups
Pregnancy Counseling
Parent Support Groups
General Mental Health Information/Education
Group Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
General Counseling Services
Services include:
  • Primary Care
  • Prenatal care and education
  • Birth control dispensary
  • Behavioral Health Services
  • Health education
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic Services
  • Covered CA, Medi-Cal, and CalFresh enrollment and renewal
  • Group Medical Appointments
Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare


Outpatient Health Facilities
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Massage Therapy
Tuberculosis Screening
Birth Control
Adult State/Local Health Insurance Programs
General Mental Health Information/Education
Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Children's State/Local Health Insurance Programs
Pregnancy Testing

CAFES was launched to close a gap in diversion opportunities for Santa Cruz County adults who are first-time offenders with little or no criminal history and who need mental health, substance use and other related services that had been inaccessible prior to Prop 47.


General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Substance Use Disorder Intervention Programs
Offender/Ex-Offender Support Groups
General Mental Health Support Groups
General Mental Health Information/Education
Ex-Offender Counseling
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs



Survivors/victim services: Advocate, Case Manager, System Navigator, Basic needs, Immigration services, Legal services, Mental Health Services.

Legal Services: information about the mechanics of court proceedings, Support with gathering & providing relevant documentation.

Education Services: Tutoring & homework support

Serve victims/survivors who are: Currently under supervision (probation/parole);Experiencing Homelessness; Immigrant/refugees/asylum seekers; LGBTQ+; Undocumented; Veteran; Victim with disabilities: Cognitive/physical/mental; Victim with limited English proficiency.


Legal Information Services
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Tutoring Services
General Mental Health Information/Education
General Crime Victim Assistance
Crime Witness Support
Provides mental health services to eligible adults including case management and medication services, rehabilitation, counseling and therapy. Also operates two specialized programs for youth and seniors.

The Access Team provides 24-hour confidential crisis intervention and referral services for mental health clients. Offers crisis intervention, and appropriate referrals.

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices


Therapy Referrals
Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
General Crime Victim Assistance
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Case/Care Management
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Crime Witness Support
Mental Health Crisis Lines
Psychiatric Medication Services
Group Counseling
Mental Health Evaluation
General Mental Health Information/Education
Psychiatric Case Management
General Counseling Services
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Psychiatric Disorder Counseling