- Emergency food pantry
- USDA commodities surplus food and food vouchers
- Emergency rental, mortgage and utility assistance
- Gas vouchers ($15 for transportation to medical appointments and interviews)
- Bus passes
- Holiday distributions and back to school backpacks and supplies.
Collects backpacks and school supplies for families with students in grades K-12. The backpacks are distributed through the County Office of Education Write Start Program.
School Supply List:
Backpack (no solid red or blue please), 2-inch, 3-ring binder, 3-ring wide-ruled binder paper, 2-pocket folders, Colored pencils (12 count), Crayons (8- or 24-count), Pink erasers (2pack), Pencil sharpener, Pens (12 or more), Pencils #2 (10 or more), Pencil pouch, Pocket calculator, Scissors 5 1/4 blunt tip, Ruler 12" plastic, Glue Stick, Spiral notebook 70 Ct., college rule, Composition notebook, and yellow highlighter.
Donations can be dropped off between 7/1/22 to 8/13/2022 at the following locations:
Aptos: Santa Cruz County Bank
United Way of Santa Cruz County 4450 Capitola Rd STE 106, Capitola, Ca 95010
Santa Cruz:
David Lyng Real State 41st Office- 1041 41st Ave, Santa Cruz, Ca 95062
Santa Cruz Community Credit Union
Santa Cruz County Bank
Santa Cruz Community Credit Union
Scotts Valley:
Santa Cruz County Bank
Nordic Naturals- 111 Jennings Dr, Watsonville, Ca 95076
Santa Cruz Community Credit Union
Santa Cruz County Bank
Online Donations: www.unitedwaysc.org