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Teen Kitchen Project engages youth ages 14-18 as employees and volunteers in our healthy meal delivery program. Together with adult professional chefs, teens prepare dietitian approved meals that are delivered throughout Santa Cruz county.



Home Delivered Meals
Youth Development
Youth Employment Programs
Wellness Programs
We provide resources and services to empower youth ages 15-24 who have or have had experiences with foster care placement, juvenile justice, homelessness/housing instability, or trauma related to being a victim of a crime. TAY also offers counseling, skills building, a drop-in resource center, and subsidized supportive housing.

Behavioral & Mental Health Services.
Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Supportive Relationships


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Employment Preparation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Return to Education Support
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Youth Employment Programs
Life Skills Education
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Vocational/Trade High Schools
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Laundry Facilities
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Housing Advocacy Groups
Youth Centers
Continuing Education
Public Showers/Baths
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Stress Management
Children's Clothing
Education Advocacy Groups
Homeless Employment Programs
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Transitional Housing/Shelter
General Education Advocacy
Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling
Life Care Planning
Housing Counseling
General Counseling Services
Employment Related Advocacy Groups
Meals on Wheels is enhancing lives through healthy meals and friendly human contact. Nurturing elders and people with disabilities at one of five dining sites, or meals delivered to the home.

Meals on Wheels est mejorando vidas a travs de comidas saludables y un contacto humano amigable. Alimentar personas de tecer edad y personas con discapacidades en uno de los cinco sitios de comida, o comidas entregadas en el hogar.

Provides Meals on Wheels service to clients during Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)
Provides free nutritious meals for seniors. Meals are planned and changed monthly.

The Downtown Senior Center aims to keep older adults active, engaged and connected with the community through recreation, education and technology. With a variety of classes, activities, trips and services for adults age 50+, there is something for everyone.

Serves a hot lunch and offers special activities. Provides recreation programs for seniors and soon-to-be seniors.

Offers exercise classes, Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, book club, creative writing, special events, line dancing, walking/hiking club.


Computer Literacy Training Programs
Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers
Senior Centers
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Monthly all you can eat pancake breakfast.

Food included: Pancakes, eggs, hash browns, ham, OJ, and coffee or tea.


Food Lab involves students in every aspect of our school meal program, students plan and prepare student lunches on a daily basis. Children are encouraged to participate in the school lunch program, but may also bring lunches from home.


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Community Gardening
Bombs sharing meals, clothing and survival gear every Saturday and Sunday from noon to 3 at the Town Clock


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Soup Kitchens
Food Pantries
Provides a free hot lunch every weekday. Offers free bags of groceries for those in need. Also offers information and referral for related services such as financial help, shelters and other basic needs.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition
Meals on Wheels is enhancing lives through healthy meals and friendly human contact. Nurturing elders and people with disabilities at one of five dining sites, or meals delivered to the home.

Meals on Wheels est mejorando vidas a travs de comidas saludables y un contacto humano amigable. Alimentar personas de tecer edad y personas con discapacidades en uno de los cinco sitios de comida, o comidas entregadas en el hogar.

Provides Meals on Wheels service to clients during Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)
Free daily meals to anyone in need.
Also offers a bag of food once a week on Tuesday or Thursday.


General Counseling Services
Spiritual/Religious Issues Counseling
Homeless Drop In Centers
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Soup Kitchens
Arts and Crafts Instruction
Food Pantries
Music Instruction
Area Agency on Aging serve as the advocate and focal point for older individuals within the community by monitoring, evaluating, and commenting upon all policies, programs, hearings, levies, and community actions which will affect older individuals.


Adult Day Programs
Senior Centers
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Older Adult/Disability Related Supportive Housing
Senior Ride Programs
Aging/Older Adult Support Groups
Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation
Home Delivered Meals
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Senior Corps Volunteer Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Senior Advocacy Groups
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Elder Abuse Counseling
Runs a soup kitchen that offers hot meals to anyone in need. People of all faiths come to serve and be served at the Kitchen--the only place in Santa Cruz that serves a midday meal. Provides clothing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during meal time. Also has a shower facility.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition


General Clothing Provision
General Clothing Donation Programs
Soup Kitchens
Public Showers/Baths