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Provides daily bus service to various points in Santa Cruz County. Senior and disabled fare reductions available.


Disability Related Transportation
Transportation Advocacy Groups
Travel Directions/Trip Planning
Public Transit Authorities
Transportation Information Clearinghouses/511 Services
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Local Bus Services
Victims/survivors services: Advocate, Legal services, Child Care/Transportation to attend services or court proceedings.
Legal Services: Help preparing Victim impact statements, information about the mechanics of court proceedings, Court accompaniment services, Support understanding in criminal justice processes, Filing police reports, Support with gathering & providing relevant documentation.
Financial Services: Victim Compensation (VOCA), Financial restitution, Support with funeral expenses.

Serve victims/survivors who are impacted by the following crimes: Adult Physical Assault (includes aggravated and simple assault);Adult sexual assault;Adults sexually abused/assaulted as children;Arson;Bullying (Verbal, Cyber, or Physical);Burglary;Child Physical Abuse or Neglect;Child Pornography;Child sexual abuse/assault;Domestic and/or Family Violence;DUI/DWI Incidents;Elder Abuse or Neglect;Hate Crime: Racial/religious/gender/sexual orientation/other;Human trafficking: labor;Human trafficking: sex;Identity theft/fraud/financial crime;Kidnapping (non-custodial);KAdult Physical Assault (includes aggravated and simple assault);Adult sexual assault;Adults sexually abused/assaulted as children;Arson;Bullying (Verbal, Cyber, or Physical);Burglary;Child Physical Abuse or Neglect;Child Pornography;Child sexual abuse/assault;Domestic and/or Family Violence;DUI/DWI Incidents;Elder Abuse or Neglect;Hate Crime: Racial/religious/gender/sexual orientation/other;Human trafficking: labor;Human trafficking: sex;Identity theft/fraud/financial crime;Kidnapping (non-custodial);Kidnapping (custodial);Mass violence (domestic/international);Other: vehicular victimization (e. g. hit and run);Robbery;Stalking/harassment;Survivors of homicide victims;Teen dating victimization;Terrorism (domestic/international);Otheridnapping (custodial);Mass violence (domestic/international);Other: vehicular victimization (e. g. hit and run);Robbery;Stalking/harassment;Survivors of homicide victims;Teen dating victimization;Terrorism (domestic/international)

Serve victims/survivors who are: Currently under supervision (probation/parole);Experiencing Homelessness;Immigrant/refugees/asylum seekers;LGBTQ+;Undocumented;Veteran;Victim with disabilities: Cognitive/physical/mental;Victim with limited English proficiency;Other


Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting
Parent Abuse Counseling
Crime Victim Notification Services
Adult Child Abuse Survivor Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Crime Witness Support
Court Ordered Victim Restitution Services
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Elder Abuse Counseling
Disaster Survivor Inquiries
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Post Disaster Legal Counseling Services
General Crime Victim Assistance
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Crime Victim Compensation
Legal Information Services
Survivors/victims services: Advocate, Case Manager, System Navigator, Basic needs, Legal services, Financial, Mental Health Services, Victim-Offender Dialogue or a Restorative Justice approach, Support Groups, Child Care/Transportation to attend services or court proceedings
Legal Services: Restraining Orders, Help preparing Victim impact statements, information about the mechanics of court proceedings, Court accompaniment services, Support understanding in criminal justice processes, Filing police reports, Support with gathering & providing relevant documentation, U-Visas
Financial Services: If a survivor is in our Housing Program, we provide credit re-establishment services. We also occasionally offer Financial Literacy courses.
Education Services: If invited to a classroom, we provide workshops on healthy relationships as part of our prevention work to end intrfamilial cycles of violence.

Serves victims of crime who are impacted by the following crimes: Bullying (Verbal, Cyber, or Physical);Child Physical Abuse or Neglect;Child sexual abuse/assault;Domestic and/or Family Violence;Stalking/harassment;Teen dating victimization.

Serve Victims/survivors who are: Currently under supervision (probation/parole);Experiencing Homelessness;Immigrant/refugees/asylum seekers;LGBTQ+;Undocumented;Veteran;Victim with disabilities: Cognitive/physical/mental;Victim with limited English proficiency


Legal Information Services
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Crime Victim Support Groups
Personal Financial Counseling
General Mental Health Information/Education
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Child Abuse Support Groups
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Financial Literacy Training
General Crime Victim Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Victim/Offender Mediation Programs
Banking and Financial Services
Crime Witness Support

Provides needed health care services for low-income individuals including families with children, seniors, persons with disabilities, foster care, pregnant women, and low-income people with diseases such as asthma, diabetes, tuberculosis, breast cancer, or HIV/AIDS. Eligibility is determined by the Santa Cruz County Health Services department.

Transportation Services

If you are medically unable to use a car, bus, train or taxi, the Alliance will arrange transportation for you. This type of transportation is called non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT).

NEMT is for when you need extra help or special transportation needs. Examples of NEMT are an ambulance, wheelchair van or air transport.

Transportation to medical services by passenger car, taxicab or other forms of public or private transportation is called non-medical transportation (NMT). NMT is available to members who need help getting to medical services. Members must show that they do not have any other transportation options.

K-12 Students can ride METRO for free.*
Show your student ID to board (suggested for 9-12th grade).
Lift Line provides 60,000 door-to-door rides a year to seniors and people with disabilities; allowing these Central Coast residents to remain active and social.
Lift Line ofrece 60,000 viajes de puerta a puerta cada ao para personas mayores y personas con discapacidades; permitiendo que estos residentes de la costa central permanezcan activos y sociales.


Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Disability Related Transportation
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Senior Ride Programs
Taxi Fare
General Paratransit/Community Ride Programs
CASH ASSISTANCE: Monthly cash aid based on family size and income

SUPPORTIVE SERVICES: Child Care (if eligible), Transportation Assistance, Work Supports (i.e., clothing, tools), Education Assistance (i.e., GED, vocational programs), incentives (i.e., good grades for youth)

PREVENTION PROGRAMS: Native American Culture and Tradition classes (i.e., beading, and basket making), Healthy Relationships classes, Family Formation activities, Literacy classes, Fitness classes, Parenting classes, Youth Empowerment Classes, Job Development


Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Youth Literacy Programs
Co-Parenting Workshops
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Parenting Skills Classes
Vocational/Trade High Schools
Child Care Providers
Youth Employment Programs
Youth/Student Support Groups
Life Skills Education
Employment Preparation
Adult Basic Education