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Offers assistance with obtaining information about in-home services, hospice programs, transportation, legal services counseling, health insurance counseling, senior centers, adult day care, Alzheimer's resource centers and Meals on Wheels programs.

Elderday provides adult day health care to keep our participants as strong as possible and out of institutional care. Services include health monitoring by nurses, participant and family support and care coordination by social workers, physical and occupational therapies, dietary consultation, speech therapy, and planned therapeutic activities in a happy congregate milieu. Care includes transportation to and from the program, morning snack, and lunch.


Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Dietary Supplements
Speech Therapy
Senior Centers
Community Mediation program helps people solve interpersonal conflicts such as those between family, neighbors, housemates, homeowner associations, and more.

CRC-neutral mediators guide participants through a mediation process that includes identifying problems, clarifying concerns and perspectives, developing options and reaching mutually beneficial agreements.

Addressing LeaseAgreements:
  • Repeated leaseviolations
  • Rent Increases

Evictions and UnlawfulDetainers
  • Addresing unpaid rent
  • Negotiating transfer ofpessesions
Access to Property
Property Damages or Maintenance


Intensive Family Reunification Services
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Family Resource Centers/Outreach
Senior Advocacy Groups
Geriatric Counseling
Conflict Resolution Training
Family Maintenance/Reunification

The Downtown Senior Center aims to keep older adults active, engaged and connected with the community through recreation, education and technology. With a variety of classes, activities, trips and services for adults age 50+, there is something for everyone.

Serves a hot lunch and offers special activities. Provides recreation programs for seniors and soon-to-be seniors.

Offers exercise classes, Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, book club, creative writing, special events, line dancing, walking/hiking club.


Computer Literacy Training Programs
Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers
Senior Centers
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Provides Services to help the aged, blind, or disabled to remain safely in their homes.


In Home Supportive Services Subsidies

The County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department's In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program supports safe independent living for low-income frail elderly adults and disabled persons of all ages. County IHSS services assist people to apply for and determine eligibility to receive and access IHSS.

The IHSS Public Authority - a separate partner agency - is the employer of record for IHSS providers, providing assistance to IHSS recipient consumers on how to interview, hire and supervise a care providers, helping improve service delivery for low income seniors and disabled individuals of all ages who are enrolled in IHSS.


Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
In Home Supportive Services Subsidies
In Home Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Programs
Children's In Home Respite Care
Personal Care
Adult In Home Respite Care
Lift Line provides 60,000 door-to-door rides a year to seniors and people with disabilities; allowing these Central Coast residents to remain active and social.
Lift Line ofrece 60,000 viajes de puerta a puerta cada ao para personas mayores y personas con discapacidades; permitiendo que estos residentes de la costa central permanezcan activos y sociales.


General Paratransit/Community Ride Programs
Senior Ride Programs
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Disability Related Transportation
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Taxi Fare
Services Include:
Unemployment Assistance (UI application/access point)
OSHA Training
OJT On-the -job training opportunities
On site Job readiness training/Job placement assistance
Vocational English as a second language (VESL)/GED Preparation

Housing Assistance


Job Finding Assistance
Housing Counseling
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Employment Physical Examinations
Personal Financial Counseling
Financial Literacy Training
Youth Employment Programs
In Home Supportive Services Subsidies
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Employment Preparation
Employment Related Fingerprinting
Activities hosted at the Senior Center Monday through Friday: Schedule varies per month
  • Project Scout
  • Tax Help
  • Grey Bears
  • Brown Bag pick up
  • Community Lunches
  • "Uke"'n Sing"
  • Line Dance
  • Weights
  • Video Yoga
  • Bridge Club
  • Lapidary


Arts and Crafts Clubs
Dance Instruction
AARP Tax Aide Programs
Music Groups
Brown Bag Food Programs
Arts and Crafts Instruction
Senior Centers
CACFP is a nutrition assistance program that reimburses food for licensed caregivers, providing healthy meals to support both children and adults in our community.
CACFP es un programa de asistencia nutricional que reembolsa los alimentos a los cuidadores con licencia, comidas saludables para apoyar a los nios y adultos en nuestra comunidad.

Stress Buster: Balanced Nutrition


Food Vouchers
Nutrition Education
Adult Day Programs

The County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department's In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program supports safe independent living for low-income frail elderly adults and disabled persons of all ages. County IHSS services assist people to apply for and determine eligibility to receive and access IHSS.

The IHSS Public Authority - a separate partner agency - is the employer of record for IHSS providers, providing assistance to IHSS recipient consumers on how to interview, hire and supervise a care providers, helping improve service delivery for low income seniors and disabled individuals of all ages who are enrolled in IHSS.


Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
In Home Supportive Services Subsidies
In Home Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Programs
Children's In Home Respite Care
Personal Care
Adult In Home Respite Care

Damians Ladder assists low- and moderate-income older and disabled homeowners by providing minor home repairs that they cannot perform due to lack of funds and/or inability to physically perform the repairs themselves. Our purpose is to enable people to remain in their homes as long as possible.


Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Disaster Specific Home Repair
Offers ongoing class series (attend one or all sessions), workshops, trainings, support groups


Parenting Materials
Parent Rights Classes
Parent Support Groups
Parenting Skills Classes
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Youth Development
Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Child Custody/Support Related Support Groups
Stepfamily/Blended Family Support Groups
Family Resource Centers/Outreach
Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Abuse Support Groups
The ADRC assists older adults, individuals living with disabilities, and family caregivers with identifying personal and community resources, navigating complex public benefits systems, and accessing information about dozens of non-profit community-based service partners. We help people get the supports they need to live where and how they want to live; services to meet real needs, and -more importantly!- to make real differences in the lives of those we are privileged to serve and learn from.

San Benito County's new Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) is both a service hub AND a network of committed community organizations acting as a "No Wrong Door" system to enable people of all ages, incomes, and abilities to connect with anyone ADRC partner organization for accessing a wide array of Long-Term Services and Support options in the community.


Senior Housing Information and Referral
Senior Centers
Senior Advocacy Groups
Area Agency on Aging serve as the advocate and focal point for older individuals within the community by monitoring, evaluating, and commenting upon all policies, programs, hearings, levies, and community actions which will affect older individuals.


Adult Day Programs
Senior Centers
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Older Adult/Disability Related Supportive Housing
Senior Ride Programs
Aging/Older Adult Support Groups
Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation
Home Delivered Meals
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Senior Corps Volunteer Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Senior Advocacy Groups
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Elder Abuse Counseling