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Offers peers support groups, mentor parent program, information and resources to parents who have children with special needs to strengthen and empower their families and the professionals who serve them. Through parent volunteers and paid staff, they provide phone support, information, resource referrals, IEP clinics, educational workshops and networking events. Newsletters are available to download online.

Stress Busters: Mindfulness Practices and Supportive Relationships


Parent Support Groups
Disability Rights Groups
Specialized Information and Referral
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Student Disability Services
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Health/Disability Related Counseling
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities



  • 24-hour crisis line for domestic violence, sexual assault or human trafficking survivors
  • Advocacy, case management and therapeutic services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault or human trafficking
  • Shelter services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault or human traffickin
  • Legal assistance for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault or human trafficking
Survivors will call office phone lines or a 24 hour crisis line. Behaviorial & Mental Health Services, Community Advocacy, Family Workshops, Financial Literacy, Socio Emotional Learning, Emergency Shelter, Legal Services

Assists victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.

Services include:
-Emergency shelter
-24-hour bilingual crisis line and in-person crisis counseling
-Support groups
-Legal assistance with temporary restraining orders, court accompaniments, and information and referral
-Specialized services are available for child witnesses to domestic violence and survivors of teen dating violence


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Personal Financial Counseling
Self Defense Training
Legal Information Services
Domestic Violence Shelters
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Shelters
Youth Development
Financial Literacy Training
Human Trafficking Shelters
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines
Youth Violence Prevention
Protective/Restraining Orders
Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence
We provide work-based learning opportunities like expos, panels, guest speakers and more to elementary, middle, and high school students as well as internships for post-secondary students. Students get to explore a variety of career options and interact with professionals currently working in the industry. We provide real-world exposure and connect youth to adults who can assist youth with finding their path. Nothing is more valuable than hands-on experience. Career Counseling, Career Exploration, Educator Professional Development, Family Workshops, Job/Internship Placement, Technical Skills Training, Youth Advocacy/Civic Engagement.


Youth Development
Youth Centers
Youth Employment Programs
Youth/Student Support Groups

Services include therapy groups/survivor support groups for women, men, all-genders, parents of survivors and Latina survivors, workshops on Healing the Brain and the Nervous System, Relationships and Connection, Healing and the Body, Compassionate Communication, Creativity, lending library, information and referrals, special events and a safe place for fellowship and peer support. We also provide training, resources, presentations, and outreach to the community around the issue of child sexual abuse and sexual violence.

Survivors/victims services: Mental Health Services, Support Groups

Serve victims/survivors who are impacted by the following crimes: Child sexual abuse/assault


Separation/Divorce Support Groups
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Drug Use Disorder Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Gambling Disorder Support Groups
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Gambling Disorder Support Groups
General Crime Victim Assistance
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Adult Children of Alcoholics Support Groups
Specialized Information and Referral
Pet Loss Support Groups
Sexual/Love Addiction Counseling
In Person Crisis Intervention
Child Sexual Abuse Counseling
General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
General Counseling Services
Parent Support Groups
Anger Management
Bereaved Parent Support Groups
Therapy Referrals
Child Guidance
Youth/Student Support Groups
Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Sexual/Love Addiction Support Groups
Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence
Bereaved Child Support Groups
Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Alcohol Use Disorder Referrals
LGBTQ2+ Support Groups
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Provides home-based services to families living throughout Santa Cruz County including case management, housing navigation, and rental assistance. Case-manager serves families in need of housing.

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Supportive Relationships


General Counseling Services
Case/Care Management
Rent Payment Assistance
Parent Support Groups
A substance abuse education program for middle school girls, which also prepares them to become facilitators of workshops on this subject for elementary school children. This program approaches drug abuse prevention as a peer issue, using the positive influence of young people modeling healthy behaviors.


Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Youth Development
Youth/Student Support Groups
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Provides information services, free access to computers and printers, free WiFi access, free access to books, movies, audiobooks, and music for education, entertainment, and personal enrichment.

Also offers research assistance, early literacy programs, book groups, craft programs, STEM/STEAM-based programs, the Genealogical Society and local history collections, meeting rooms for non-profit use, and programs to support lifelong learning and cultural experiences.

Provides resources (books, technology, streaming audiobooks, video, ebooks, reference databases, news), services (Homework Help, Online Tutoring, help finding information, job search, workforce development, housing search, connecting to community resources), programs (ACT Advisory Council for Teens, Coding, Computer Animation, Dungeons & Dragons, craft programs, community conversations, book and film clubs), volunteer opportunities.

Career Exploration, Cultural and Recreational Activities, Science & Math Subject Matters, Socio-Emotional Learning, Technology Support Services, Tutoring Services, Youth Advocacy/Civic Engagement.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Supportive Relationships


Women's Support Groups
Public Libraries
Assistive Technology Information
General Recreational Activities/Sports
Nutrition Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Career Entrance Examinations
Family Literacy Programs
Youth Literacy Programs
Adult Literacy Programs
General Counseling Services
Public Internet Access Sites
Employment Preparation
Cultural Heritage Groups
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Tutoring Services
Youth/Student Support Groups
Parent Support Groups
Youth Development
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Early Literacy Development Programs
Outdoor Environmental Education
Science and Mathematics Clubs/Societies
The Early Education Division knows how critical the first five years of a child's life are to their health and success. Our six centers provide nurturing and affordable early education.

La Divisin de Educacin Temprana sabe cun crticos son los primeros cinco aos de la vida de un nio para su salud y xito. Nuestros seis centros ofrecen educacin asequible.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Quality Sleep, Supportive Relationships.


Outdoor Environmental Education
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Child Guidance
General Counseling Services
Nutrition Education
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Parent Support Groups
Child Care Expense Assistance
Infant and Child Safety Education
We offer one-day public workshops on Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills to learn how to handle conflict effectively and reach win-win solutions. For your business, non-profit, board of directors, group or association, you have the option of to attend one of our public workshops or our trainers can tailor workshops for you and deliver them on-site. We are happy to consult with you about your particular needs so that we can craft a training suited to your group culture.

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Supportive Relationships


Elder Mediation
General Counseling Services
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Victim/Offender Mediation Programs
Youth/Student Support Groups
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Conflict Resolution Training
These services include work skills development, community engagement, job readiness, placement and retention assistance, youth leadership training, and work skills crews. The Alcance program serves youth with employment services, tutoring, mentorship, and community Engagement. Academic Advising, Behaviorial & Mental Health Services, Career Counseling, Career Exploration, Community Advocacy, Cultural and Recreational Activities, Family Workshops, Financial Literacy, Job/Internship Placement, Socio Emotional Learning, Technology Support Services, Tutoring Services, Technical Skills Training, Youth Advocacy/Civic Engagement


Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Homeless Employment Programs
Occupation Related Support Groups
Return to Education Support
General Crime Victim Assistance
Youth/Student Support Groups
Leadership Development
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Vocational/Trade High Schools
Job Finding Assistance
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Youth Employment Programs
Youth Development
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
Employment Preparation
Veteran Employment Programs
Offers a 24-hour domestic violence crisis hotline, peer support groups, legal advocacy, one-on-one advocacy.
Provides education and training for schools, the public service sector, and in the community with a goal of zero tolerance for domestic violence through outreach and education. Support groups aimed at supporting survivors and Seeking Safety for survivors.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Parent Support Groups
Outreach Programs
Nutrition Education
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Men's Support Groups
Youth/Student Support Groups
Outdoor Environmental Education
General Crime Victim Assistance
Crime Victim Support Groups
Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Child Abuse Support Groups
Domestic Violence Shelters
Survivors/victims services: Advocate, Case Manager, System Navigator, Basic needs, Legal services, Financial, Mental Health Services, Victim-Offender Dialogue or a Restorative Justice approach, Support Groups, Child Care/Transportation to attend services or court proceedings
Legal Services: Restraining Orders, Help preparing Victim impact statements, information about the mechanics of court proceedings, Court accompaniment services, Support understanding in criminal justice processes, Filing police reports, Support with gathering & providing relevant documentation, U-Visas
Financial Services: If a survivor is in our Housing Program, we provide credit re-establishment services. We also occasionally offer Financial Literacy courses.
Education Services: If invited to a classroom, we provide workshops on healthy relationships as part of our prevention work to end intrfamilial cycles of violence.

Serves victims of crime who are impacted by the following crimes: Bullying (Verbal, Cyber, or Physical);Child Physical Abuse or Neglect;Child sexual abuse/assault;Domestic and/or Family Violence;Stalking/harassment;Teen dating victimization.

Serve Victims/survivors who are: Currently under supervision (probation/parole);Experiencing Homelessness;Immigrant/refugees/asylum seekers;LGBTQ+;Undocumented;Veteran;Victim with disabilities: Cognitive/physical/mental;Victim with limited English proficiency


Child Abuse Support Groups
Crime Witness Support
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Protective/Restraining Orders
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Personal Financial Counseling
Banking and Financial Services
General Crime Victim Assistance
Financial Literacy Training
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Victim/Offender Mediation Programs
Legal Information Services
General Mental Health Information/Education
Crime Victim Support Groups
Services and Programs:Pregnancy Access and Education provides pregnant women information, referrals and coordination to access early and comprehensive prenatal care. Also provides assistance in accessing prenatal care to pregnant women with substance use and /or mental health concerns.

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Supportive Relationships


Specialized Information and Referral
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Well Baby Care
Infant and Child Safety Education
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Home Health Aide Services
Pregnancy Counseling
Foster Parent/Family Recruitment
Prenatal Fitness
Parent Support Groups
General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment
Infant Massage Instruction
Pregnancy/Childbirth Support Groups
Prenatal Care
Designed to increase positive communication between mothers (or another significant female adult) and their daughters. It helps them discuss questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.

Growing Together:
-Allows time for mothers and daughters to explore their feelings, values and expectations.
-Provides participants the opportunity to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills.
-Provides participants the opportunity to learn about open communication, which is an important part of a healthy relationship.
-Provides factual information about the changes girls may experience during puberty.
-Helps parents to answer questions about sexual behavior and puberty without embarrassment.


Youth Development
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Parent Support Groups
A mutual grief support group for adults and teens age 14+ who have experienced the death of a brother or sister.


Bereaved Child Support Groups
Women's Support Groups
Men's Support Groups
General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups
Youth/Student Support Groups
Bereaved Parent Support Groups
Provides information services, free access to computers and printers, free WiFi access, free access to books, movies, audiobooks, and music for education, entertainment, and personal enrichment.

Also offers research assistance, early literacy programs, book groups, craft programs, STEM/STEAM-based programs, the Genealogical Society and local history collections, meeting rooms for non-profit use, and programs to support lifelong learning and cultural experiences.

Provides resources (books, technology, streaming audiobooks, video, ebooks, reference databases, news), services (Homework Help, Online Tutoring, help finding information, job search, workforce development, housing search, connecting to community resources), programs (ACT Advisory Council for Teens, Coding, Computer Animation, Dungeons & Dragons, craft programs, community conversations, book and film clubs), volunteer opportunities.

Career Exploration, Cultural and Recreational Activities, Science & Math Subject Matters, Socio-Emotional Learning, Technology Support Services, Tutoring Services, Youth Advocacy/Civic Engagement.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Supportive Relationships


Women's Support Groups
Public Libraries
Assistive Technology Information
General Recreational Activities/Sports
Nutrition Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Career Entrance Examinations
Family Literacy Programs
Youth Literacy Programs
Adult Literacy Programs
General Counseling Services
Public Internet Access Sites
Employment Preparation
Cultural Heritage Groups
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Tutoring Services
Youth/Student Support Groups
Parent Support Groups
Youth Development
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Early Literacy Development Programs
Outdoor Environmental Education
Science and Mathematics Clubs/Societies

For Boys and Young men
Teaching and supporting boys in discovery and journey from boyhood to manhood with guidance, coaching, and mentorship grounded in 41 developmental assets, youth leadership development, social-emotional and healthy masculinity

For men
Support men in their journey through manhood and couple relationships by developing a healthy masculinity and relationship

For dads
Supporting father involvement, fatherhood and co-parenting for the well-being of children

Youth Resources: Career Counseling, Career Exploration, Community Advocacy, Cultural and Recreational Activities, Educator Professional Development, Family Workshops, Financial Literacy, Job/Internship Placement, Socio Emotional Learning, Youth Advocacy/Civic Engagement

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Supportive Relationships


Youth Violence Prevention
Pregnancy/Childbirth Support Groups
Youth/Student Support Groups
Youth Literacy Programs
General Counseling Services
Recreation Centers
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Youth Employment Programs
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Parent Support Groups
Youth Centers
Youth Development
Families Together provides counseling, parenting support, and case management to families using a home visiting model and a client-centered approach to services. Caregivers participate in the development of an individualized service plan based on their unique strengths and needs.

Families referred by Santa Cruz County Family & Children's Services or CalWORKs are assigned a therapist who helps design customized services, including sessions in English or Spanish, and in the home or other preferred location. Families learn about parenting, child development, parent-child attachment, and general wellness. In addition to counseling, home visitors connect families with other community resources such as substance use counseling, interpersonal violence services, and early education support.

Stress Busters: Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Supportive Relationships


Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Case/Care Management
Family Maintenance/Reunification
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Domestic Violence Support Groups
General Mental Health Information/Education
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence

Advocacy opportunities and young activists support group. Front line ally group for white people supporting on climate justice. Resources and information about climate change, disaster preparedness, and climate solutions.

CRC cultivates peace in the community by providing tools, training, and a guided process for people in conflict. Our services are affordable, confidential, and available to all.

We offer workshops for youth and parents. Gain skills to prevent conflict from escalating. Increase your sense of self-awareness and how you respond to conflict. Learn tools to recognize your emotions and identify your needs so that you can communicate better.

We offer Parent-Teen or Family Mediation services, as well as conflict resolution coaching. Behavioral & Mental Health Services, Family Workshops, Socio-Emotional Learning, mediation and conflict resolution


Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Leadership Development
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling
LGBTQ2+ Support Groups
Co-Parenting Workshops
Youth Development
Parent Support Groups
Parenting Skills Classes
Youth Issues Information Services
Youth Violence Prevention
Youth/Student Support Groups

A series of workshops for girls ages 12-14 about assertive communication, healthy relationships, avoiding risky situations, developing sisterhood, and understanding female health and the reproductive system.


Youth Development
Nutrition Education
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Youth/Student Support Groups
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Life Skills Education
General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Internet Safety Education
General Health Education Programs
Oral Health Education/Information
Body Image Education
Higher Education Bridge Programs
General Mental Health Information/Education
The Early Education Division knows how critical the first five years of a child's life are to their health and success. Our six centers provide nurturing and affordable early education.

La Divisin de Educacin Temprana sabe cun crticos son los primeros cinco aos de la vida de un nio para su salud y xito. Nuestros seis centros ofrecen educacin asequible.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Quality Sleep, Supportive Relationships.


Outdoor Environmental Education
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Child Guidance
General Counseling Services
Nutrition Education
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Parent Support Groups
Child Care Expense Assistance
Infant and Child Safety Education
The Early Education Division knows how critical the first five years of a child's life are to their health and success. Our six centers provide nurturing and affordable early education.

La Divisin de Educacin Temprana sabe cun crticos son los primeros cinco aos de la vida de un nio para su salud y xito. Nuestros seis centros ofrecen educacin asequible.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Quality Sleep, Supportive Relationships.


Outdoor Environmental Education
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Child Guidance
General Counseling Services
Nutrition Education
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Parent Support Groups
Child Care Expense Assistance
Infant and Child Safety Education
The Early Education Division knows how critical the first five years of a child's life are to their health and success. Our six centers provide nurturing and affordable early education.

La Divisin de Educacin Temprana sabe cun crticos son los primeros cinco aos de la vida de un nio para su salud y xito. Nuestros seis centros ofrecen educacin asequible.

Stress Busters: Balanced Nutrition, Experiencing Nature, Mental Healthcare, Mindfulness Practices, Physical Activity, Quality Sleep, Supportive Relationships.


Outdoor Environmental Education
Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion
Child Guidance
General Counseling Services
Nutrition Education
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Parent Support Groups
Child Care Expense Assistance
Infant and Child Safety Education
Provides virtual behavioral support navigating kids' milestones, phases, and behaviors for California families with children aged 0-12 years.


Parent Support Groups
General Mental Health Information/Education
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Group Counseling
General Mental Health Support Groups
General Counseling Services
Child Guidance
Pregnancy Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling